Wholepack Inc. was founded by a group of idealists of a great vision. We are the professional manufacturer of the innovative package of takeaway beverages. The brand new concept was inspired by the messages from local coffee shops which had lots of problems when customers ordered coffee to go.
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks worldwide. According to our survey of 2010, 1.8 billion cups of coffee are consumed everyday, and coffee drinkers consume approximately 3.1 cups per day on average. Nearly 80% is consumed as take-away products.

One day, Jack, the CEO of Wholepack, had a coffee in his hand. As he got into the office, the spill of his coffee ruined an important document. In t he past few years, Jack had found this problem again and again, so he started to think: “Why the cup lids couldn’t do the job well? What do people deal with this inconvenience? Why there are not other better products in the market to solve people’s problems?”

The traditional cup lids in the market are made of P.S and have bad designs. The P.S material can’t resist hot water above 70゚C and may release toxicant; and the poor designs make the products unable to seal the cups properly. Millions of consumers suffer from the spill and leakage problems everyday!! People could get hurts, scalds and caused other accidents.

Within months of research and development, the S-Lid is created. As a promising product to deliver the concept of SMART, SAFE, and SIMPLE way to drink coffee without any worries, it is the best way to drink beverages. The brand “Smart & Safety” stands as a guarantee and would always fulfil these commitments through the beverage packaging products. Nowadays, S-series turns out to be a revolution for the people’s daily life and the future generations.

Wholepack Inc. will continue to produce more innovative, high quality and reliable products to solve people’s problems. We believe, innovation is the trend of the future, and Wholepack always endeavor to meet customer needs in a changing world.
